Massage therapy reduces pain, lubricates tissue, and enhances your overall wellness. Offered by the experienced team at Cascade Orthopaedics, massage therapy is an essential part of your orthopaedic care. Call the Auburn office to schedule your massage therapy appointment or use the online tool to book.
Massage therapy involves physical manipulation of your soft tissue. Your therapist uses pressure and movement to manipulate your muscles, ligaments, tendons, and skin.
Massage therapy offers several positive benefits. It can:
Massage therapy also has the overall benefit of improving your physical and emotional well-being. It helps you build strength and release movement-impairing tension.
Orthopaedic massage focuses on the muscles and soft tissue that surrounds sensitive joints. It has the specific goals of restoring balance, creating a fuller range of motion, and relieving pain.
The massage therapy you receive at Cascade Orthopaedics differs from that you might get at a spa. Your massage is specifically tailored to your body and physical needs. Your therapist works to help fix patterns of dysfunction, so you get relief from pain.
The therapists at Cascade Orthopaedics use many massage therapy techniques to address your orthopaedic needs. These include:
The doctors at Cascade Orthopaedics work with your massage therapist to determine the best approach for your healing and pain relief needs.
Many people also benefit from more than one session to get the best results.
Massage therapy complements conventional medical treatments for many orthopaedic conditions.
Consider massage therapy to help with:
Massage therapy also helps patients cope with chronic joint pain from issues like fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. Massage therapy offered at Cascade Orthopaedics is designed to help you function better, not just feel good.
To learn more about massage therapy and how it can benefit your orthopaedic needs, call Cascade Orthopaedics. You can also use this website to schedule an appointment online.